Scam Alert

Scam Alert

Please be aware that there are a growing number of fraudulent or misleading scams using the names of well-known retailers, including Cellect Mobile. These can involve emails, Facebook pages, Facebook Marketplace posts or SMS messages, phone calls, social media posts or other unsolicited promotions that use trademarked Cellect Mobile brand. 


These scams attempt to request personal or financial information in numerous ways including:


  • Directing you to scam Facebook pages that appear to linked to Cellect Mobile. They are not linked to us whatsoever.
  • They request immediate payment via direct transfer over Facebook Messenger. 
  • They recruit "staff" to post advertisements on their behalf on Facebook Marketplace. 
  • Purchase heavily discounted products, appearing to be new and unsealed devices. We don't sell new devices.
  • Sending invoices with the Cellect Mobile ABN. 
  • Requesting you to submit a copy of your identification over Facebook Messenger, text message or email. 
  • Ask recipients to share, comment or like a Facebook page.


Please note that Cellect Mobile will never ask for your personal or banking details in unsolicited communications. Cellect Mobile's official website can be found at,,,, or

We suggest that you do not respond to or participate in, any offer that appears suspicious or too good to be true.

What to do if you think you are being scammed:

If you have a query about any offer that you’ve received, or a page/site that looks suspicious, please inform us at If possible, please include any screen grabs or URLs that might help us respond to your query in a timely manner.


We also recommend visiting SCAM watch via their website at to find out more information and report scams.